JSon datasets

Here are some JSon datasets from various repositories i gathered over the Internet.
I found it very useful to train yourself on NoSQL databases, especially MongoDB, CouchDB or elasticsearch.

Archive Nb documents Extracted from Initial format Features
dblp.json 118 015 dblp.org XML Text, JSonArray, Nesting, ref
Tour-Pedia_paris.json 25 357 tour-pedia.org (paris : accommodation, restaurants, POI) CSV, REST API, joins 2D, text, nesting, JSonArray, links, social network
cities15000 22 948 geonames (bl.ocks.org) CSV 2D
Movies 10 000 Amazon Cloud Search JSon Text, Nesting, JSonArray
restaurants 25 357 Restaurants inspections in New York (used in MongoDB tutorials) JSon Nesting, 2D, links
reuters_26-09-1997 21 495 Reuters-21578 in 1987 XML Text, Nesting
ArtWorks_collectionMaster 31 558 + 3538 Tate collection from Github CSV x2, 2 collections for joins Text, Nesting, JSonArray, links
companies 18 801 JSonAr JSon, 2D conversion Text, JSonArray, 2D, Nesting
ottawa-json 30 225 JSonAr JSon 2D, Text, Nesting
stocks 6 576 JSonAr JSon
enron 5 929 JSonAr JSon Text, JSonArray
world_bank 500 JSonAr JSon Text, JSonArray, Nesting, links

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