[DKE] Automated mapping between SDG indicators and open data: An LLM-augmented knowledge graph approach Graph DB Recherche [DKE] Automated mapping between SDG indicators and open data: An LLM-augmented knowledge graph approach
PhD Recherche admin Feature engineering, Interpretability, Knowledge Graphs, LLM, Machine Learning Semantic-Based Approaches for Automating Feature Engineering and Enhancing Machine Learning Interpretability
Graph DB Recherche admin Graph, Knowledge Graphs, Neo4j, Scene Graph Generation [BDA’24] Best Demo Award – NeoSGG: A Graph Data Model for Scene Graph Generation
Graph DB Recherche admin Algèbre, Graph DB, Hybrid recommendation, Multiplex graph, Neo4j Leveraging recommendations using a multiplex graph database
Interview admin interview, lemonde.fr, recrutement « Un jeune chercheur en IA peut se voir offrir par les Gafam jusqu’à 130 000 euros par an » : dans les écoles d’ingénieurs, les profs, attirés par le privé, manquent à l’appel
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NoSQL Recherche admin Carbon Footprint, cost model, databases, NoSQL, ODD, Optimisation FACT-DM : A Framework for Automated Cost-Based Data Model Transformation [EDBT’24 & BDA’24]
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